I refuse to believe that
people are really as dull and stupid as they represent themselves to
be. If I spend most of my time examining the world I live in and my
place in it, it should stand to reason that other people are as well.
Why is it then, that we discuss the most worthless parts of our
experience? Small talk tortures me. I intentionally look angry all
the time because I want to dissuade people from talking to me about
the weather or how their kid did in his soccer game over the weekend.
The sad thing is, as I listen to people around me talking, I think
they have convinced themselves that the mindless prattling chit chat
that they engage in on a daily basis is somehow meaningful. We have
the ability to connect on a scale much greater than ever before yet
we keep our true selves hidden away as though someone could snatch it
away from us.
We should get something out of
connecting with another person. I want to feel like I have grown, or
given someone else the opportunity to grow. Having one good
conversation where vulnerabilities are shared and a bond is forged is
so much better than having a thousand encounters exchanging
pleasantries. Fake smiles and mindless banter leave me feeling dirty.
I won't participate in this charade anymore. I don't want to meet
your public face, I don't want to play a role to occupy your time.
Awkward silence is less uncomfortable for me than awful banter. Too
often when you first meet someone the first question exchanged is
“what do you do?” Does a person's profession define them? We
should be asking more relevant questions.
There is nothing I enjoy more than the
rush of meeting someone who challenges me intellectually or
spiritually. Even an argument makes me feel alive like nothing else.
Conversations where I can reflect on what was discussed for days
afterward fuel me, I feel enriched by them. I love the emotions that
plague me when someone challenges my conceptions of what really
matters and the true meaning of life. Lately it seems that those days
of endless debates and heated arguments are long behind me. Has the
fire gone from our hearts or did life just get in the way? I can
barely recognize humanity anymore. What have we become?
When I was younger, wide-eyed and full of wonder, I was enamored with
life. I want to be able to feel that
way again but now I can't
help but feel like we are all doomed. Each day is a reflection of the
last and I feel hopeless. That spark, the burning passion I had once
felt, is reduced to a smoldering ember gasping to hang on to life. I
don't see passion in my contemporaries. The blinding obsession with
something or someone that yields great stories, art, and music. The
suffering and elation it can bring seems like it has gone from the
world and everything is awash in a gray, mundane fog. Is it that
people are too jaded to care about anything or are they so
anesthetized by meds that they forgot how to feel?
I thrive on the highs and lows of
passion. As much as the lows kill me, I wouldn't trade them for
anything because they give value to the soaring exultation the high
points bring. Admittedly the lows are usually longer in duration and
at points death seems like a better option, but reaching those highs
becomes all that matters. Everyone should be passionate about
something, be it love or rage, anything to feel some real emotions.
When you do, share it with someone. Set passionless hearts ablaze in
the fires of inspiration and watch the world burn.